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online booking solution for car rental services & vehicle sellers.
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What is CarBooker

CarBooker is a professional online booking and rentals processing system with complete order & customer management (CRM) intended mainly for car rental services and vehicle dealers.

Why CarBooker ?

Complete B2C solution for online business. Choose the set-up to your liking. Let us know, if you miss some functionality.

Manage cars

Allows to define descriptive texts, car technical parameters and unique SEO links, upload images to a photo gallery, insert localized texts and set rental prices. You may want to play with seasonal discounts or categories. More ..

Order processing

Complete workflow from receiving the order, through confirmation up to payment processing and closing business case. Possibility to edit the order, set fields for customer support, or check the history of order events. More ..


Supported are various price types, such as year-round or seasonal price, depending on the number of rented days or with fixed sum, or a long-term rental variant "By Agreement". An auxiliary price testing tool can be used to check proper price for selected date in the year. Accessory prices with VAT will be set separately. More ..

Contract & Invoice generator

CarBooker supports localized templates with output into HTML or PDF. These generators are installed as modules - so if you create invoices or rental contracts in your own accounting system, you actually don't need them. You can simply upload such files to the related order. More ..

Transparent administration

Main panel in administration transparently shows portal metrics - such as forthcoming rentals, site health indicators, latest orders, financial performance, the number of visits on CMS pages etc. More ..


CarBooker supports translation into arbitrary language - for both front pages as well as for backend administration. Translations of texts are provided by client. Out of the box CarBooker already includes English localization for backend and templates.

Customer CRM

Get quick overview about each customer - such as status of orders, received payments, communication history etc. Based on the data, you can, for example, set up a customer VIP discount. More ..

Find a car

The lookup functionality on frontend pages supports typical ways of searching for cars by various criteria - e.g. by technical parameters, keyword (fulltext), branch office or discount. More ..

SEO optimization

CarBooker was designed with the goal to achieve optimal SEO position in search engines. Supported are optimized car URL links, SEO descriptions and keywords, tracking codes for Google Analytics and Tag manager.

Adjustable pricing strategy

The calculation of rental prices can be set either with precision in hours or days with a tolerance for overruns. It is also possible to turn on or off car delivery or pick-up, free vehicle accessories or airport transport. More ..

Customizable theming

In the basic installation, CarBooker offers 9 color variants for the frontend pages. For these it is possible to adjust custom element layout - e.g. to place the vehicle description on the left and the photo gallery on the left, or vice versa. More ..

Find a company

CarBooker supports lookup in Slovak or Czech business directory - all necessary fields will automatically populate if matching company found. Lookups are supported in Slovak or Czech Business Directory (Obchodný register SR, Řejstrík).


CarBooker architecture supports modularity. Choose only modules you really need - no extra costs. Modules greatly enhance functionality of the application. They are, however, charged extra along with the basic installation price. We develop modules also on request with specific purpose.

CMS with blog

A special CMS module has been developed for CarBooker, which allows managing allowed parts of portal. For stability reasons, it is not possible to allow access to all pages. Approximately 80% of the portal's published content can be managed, including the [company] blog and announcements.

CarBooker - when it suits?

Not every software always pays off. It is necessary to take into account application maintenance costs to ensure site security over time. When can be CarBooker suitable solution, and when not?

When yes?

  • at least 5-7 cars
  • you are incurring high costs to maintain your current ordering solution
  • looking for a long-term professional solution
  • large team to be coordinated
  • no website for accepting online orders - e.g. you are a business starter
  • you prefer a financially acceptable standardized solution without specific functionalities
  • you have a smart digitally skilled employee to work with CarBooker:-)

When no?

  • too few cars - less than 5-7
  • low number of orders - no need to keep detailed overview
  • too high costs for migration or redesign of an existing solution
  • too many cars - more than 1000 vehicles with large variety of technical parameters
  • you are looking for a unique specific solution. A specific solution may be better programmed as a new application rather than adapting existing one. Consultation and analysis is necessary here.

Got question?

What is CarBooker

Professional order processing & booking system for car rental services and vehicle dealers.
