Module "Trustpay - payment gateway" is a Slovak company providing online payment gateway for credit cards as well as internet banking of major banks. It is so-called multi-gateway, which means that it integrates simultaneously internet banking for several banks in a single place. Instead of a merchant having to integrate each bank separately, he can just use the services of a single provider. The list of supported banks may change over time, find the most up-to-date at Trustpay site (as of mid-2021, they are 4 major slovak banks VÚB, Tatrabanka, SLSP, Poštová banka).
To set up payments, API credentials for merchant account must be inserted into apropriate fields in Settings (application ID & secret key). These will be granted to merchant once Service Agreement with Trustpay concluded. After entering API credentials, the Trustpay payment gateway will start showing up on the Payment page.

Fig. 1 - Trustpay - Setting up API credentials (click to enlarge)
Payment process requires redirection to the Trustpay payment gateway - that means outside the CarBooker portal. Before redirection, the user must choose whether he wants to pay by credit card or via internet banking. Once redirected, he needs to enter credit card details (if opted to pay by card) or select a bank through which he wants to pay (if opted to pay via Internet Banking).
After a successful payment, user is redirected back to the CarBooker site and the result message will show up - either a success message (e.g. "Order successfully paid") or error description in case of unsuccessful payment.

Fig. 2 - Trustpay payment - sample data (click to enlarge)
How much will charge you payment gateway?
Trustpay charges a fee of at least 0.99% + a fixed fee 0.20 € for each payment received. In reality, however, it may be more - the specific contractual percentage of fees will be proposed to the merchant with respect to estimated turnover or average amount of transaction (usually between 1.20% - 1.80%).
The amount of the fee per transaction may also vary according to payment card (e.g. cards issued outside EU may have higher fees), or other rules that are often beyond the control of the payment gateway provider.
In our experience, it is very difficult to know and verify the fees charged - but this is also the case with other providers. The list of fees is available at company site .
Merchant account
When choosing payment gateway, features of merchant's account is also an important criterion. Unfortunately, merchant almost never has the opportunity to see what functionalities he finds there before signing the Contract (or being granted with the access). This is not quite correct, and payment gateway providers should describe the merchant account in the documentation on their site just like the API SDK documentation.
Of course, there should be overviews of received payments, account statements and exports in various formats, ability to display transaction details with the reason of failure in case of an unsuccessful payment, so that the merchant can inform his customer why the payment was rejected.
It is also important to clarify how the transfer of funds to the merchant's bank account is carried out (clearing) - whether it is automated or manual clearing, what is the minimum account balance, etc.

Fig. 3 - Trustpay - peek into a merchant account (click to enlarge)