Module "Insurance claims"
Insurance claim
An insurance case requires processing of considerable amount of data about the damage incident. These are recorded on a separate order tab, broken down by type of data:
- information on existing insurances - car insurance, casco, case or claim numbers, etc.
- details of the culprit who caused the accident - person, vehicle ..
- details of the damaged subjects - person, vehicle ..
- accident details - date, place, situation details, which police department investigated the accident
- details of the auto repair shop that repairs the damaged vehicle
The recorded data enable subsequent processing of the insurance case - e.g. sending an export to an insurance company, reporting an insurance claim, creating related documents, etc.
Fig. 1 - Insurance case record - example
Combined insurance cases
A specific case are the so-called combined (related, connected) insurance cases. These allows registering multiple vehicle rentals under same insurance case. Defining such a connection allows e.g. generating combined rental invoice or shared documents for insurance company.
Fig. 2 - Combined insurance case