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Module "Insurance claims"

The "Insurance cases" module enables tracking and processing related data in case of vehicle damage, e.g. in a car accident. In combination with the modules Workflow documents and Digital signature provides complete solution for management of insurance claims and communication with insurance companies.

Insurance claim

An insurance case requires processing of considerable amount of data about the damage incident. These are recorded on a separate order tab, broken down by type of data:

  • information on existing insurances - car insurance, casco, case or claim numbers, etc.
  • details of the culprit who caused the accident - person, vehicle ..
  • details of the damaged subjects - person, vehicle ..
  • accident details - date, place, situation details, which police department investigated the accident
  • details of the auto repair shop that repairs the damaged vehicle

The recorded data enable subsequent processing of the insurance case - e.g. sending an export to an insurance company, reporting an insurance claim, creating related documents, etc.

Fig. 1 - Insurance case record - example

Combined insurance cases

A specific case are the so-called combined (related, connected) insurance cases. These allows registering multiple vehicle rentals under same insurance case. Defining such a connection allows e.g. generating combined rental invoice or shared documents for insurance company.

Fig. 2 - Combined insurance case

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What is CarBooker

Professional order processing & booking system for car rental services and vehicle dealers.
